A recent rumor suggested that filmmaker Karan Johar has asked the Bollywood queen Kareena Kapoor to get rid of some kilos for an upcoming movie. But now, the actress, who once slipped to size zero, cleared the
air saying that she was never asked by Karan to lose weight.
Kareena added that she is very happy with the little weight she has been able to gain recently so there is no question of losing anymore. There was also a buzz that Karan asked Bebo to get her hair cut short to be
able to put on the skimpy outfits in her upcoming film in which she will be paired opposite Imran Khan.
The movie in concern is likely to be titled Short Term Shaadi. Kareena was recently in the capital to promote her another upcoming movie We Are Family. She said that she read the news during her flight journey. She
rubbished the news saying that Karan had never discussed the issue with her and it is totally false news.
Well, Kareena has rightly said that she should not even think of losing any more weight or else she may vanish and the fans will need a microscope to see her!
Thursday, August 26, 2010 11:48 IST